“Jesus Changes Everything”

This Sunday is Kids Club Sunday at Almaden Neighborhood Church! All year, our church has been sponsoring a weekly after school program at Williams Elementary School. This Sunday we are inviting all of the kids and their families to join us for our worship service. The kids will be sharing some songs and stories during the service and Pastor Jordan will be presenting the sermon similar to the messages at Kids Club with some interactivity and maybe even a special guest! Since this will be a very “kid-friendly” service, we are not going to have our regular children’s programs but instead we will keep all the children in the service with us to enjoy it together. As if that wasn’t enough, we are also having a baptism this Sunday! Grace Gunter has been a part of the church since she was 5 years old and this week she is turning 19 and taking the next steps in her faith by getting baptized! Join us online or in person this Sunday as we celebrate together.


“The Betrayal”


“At His Word”