"The Art of Waiting"

How good at you at waiting? In our instant culture, waiting for anything has become increasingly painful. We expect our purchases to be delivered by the next day, our meals to be prepared in a matter of minutes and our information and entertainment to arrive through the internet instantaneously. Because of this, many of us have lost the skill and the art of patiently waiting.

There are some things that just cannot be rushed. Growth, relationships and character all take time to develop. These things matter to God and He is not in a hurry. We have so much to learn in the times of waiting but we are often tempted to circumvent it with shortcuts or miss out on the beauty as we try to increase the pace. This weekend, Nick Palermo will be sharing with us a message called "The Art of Waiting" based on Genesis 12:1-3 and Psalm 27:14.


“The Greatest Song”


"Living Intentional Lives"