
When the angels announced the arrival of the Messiah to the shepherds, the statement is sometimes translated as “peace on earth, goodwill to men”. This can be confusing to us especially when we think of peace as an end of war or as a quiet zen-like state. However, when “peace” is mentioned in scripture it is usually referencing the Hebrew word, “Shalom”. Shalom means wholeness and well-being. The promise that accompanies the birth of Jesus is not a promise that all people will be nice to each other and get along. It is a promise that all of humanity can have access to wholeness, healing and well-being. At Christmas, we are reminded of this promise and are invited into Christ’s life of completeness and wholeness. Join us this Sunday at 10am for our worship service as we celebrate the 4th week of Advent, the week of Peace, and look at Luke 2:8-20.


“Faith Over Fear”


“Spirit Rejoice”