“Whose Voice are You Listening To?”

What’s your North Star? When you get lost in the pressures of this world and pulled in a thousand directions, what brings you back to who you really are and where you are meant to go? Many people don’t have an answer to that question. We wander in circles or turn to achievements, relationships and acquisitions to try to tell us who we are. Many of us live with a haunting feeling that we will never really know who we are or that the person what we truly are is not someone we want to be. Thankfully, there is a light that cuts through the fog. There is a voice that silences the crowds. God himself tells us who we are. It’s not a great mystery after all! We are beloved children of God. We are made in His image, redeemed by His Son and given a purpose of loving and serving Him every day. When we remember and return to these truths our lives grow in fortitude and meaning.

This Sunday, Nick Palermo brings a message from Ephesians 1:3-14 entitled “Who’s Voice Are You Listening To?”


“Drink This Cup”


“When Jesus Prays”