“When the Rooster Crows”

It is easy in our world to put up an image of who we want to be and how we want to present ourselves to the world. However, at some point in our lives, that mask starts to slip and we have to come to terms with every part of ourselves including our faults and failures. For many of us, this is too much to handle and we turn to denial, distraction or destructive behavior or we just tighten that mask a little bit more. In the presence of Christ, we finally have freedom to stop hiding and let our true self be exposed. Because of His grace and His powerful sacrifice on the cross we can be unafraid to look at our weakness because we are covered in His strength. This Sunday we’ll be looking at John 18:15-27 as “bold and brave” Peter has a less favorable side of himself revealed “When the Rooster Crows”.


“What is Truth?”


“Drink This Cup”