Get to Know Us.

We exist to love God, love others and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are intentionally a multicultural, multigenerational church that brings diverse people together to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire to be a place of grace where love guides our church family, and we seek to reach people in our community with that love. We invest in the children, youth, families, and adults of the San Jose area to raise up followers of Jesus who will impact the world for Christ!
Almaden Neighborhood Church began as a local Bible study among families and then formed as a church in 1955. The surrounding area was mostly rural, and the congregation was made up of farmers and ranchers. Over the past 60 plus years, the Almaden Valley has changed dramatically, and it is now a bedroom community for Silicon Valley made up of a diverse population from around the world. We have built on the foundation of the past, and currently, we are a thriving church reaching the families in Almaden Valley, San Jose and beyond.
We believe in the Bible as the Word of God and as our guide in life. The cornerstone of our belief is the person of Jesus Christ, and we seek to bring everything back to Him. Transformation begins when we find our identity in Christ and realize that we are loved, forgiven, accepted and valued by God. Our church is a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and we affirm the C&MA Statement of Faith.

What People Are Saying
“Almaden Neighborhood Chuch is an incredibly friendly congregation that welcomes all! Love that it’s a multicultural community of believers!”
— Allyssa
“My kids were in Youth Group, and I followed them. I kept coming back because Almaden Neighborhood Church’s teaching is Bible-based and I formed strong friendships through the years.
I gave my life to Jesus through this church, and my life has changed forever. I no longer feel fearful about the future.”
— Julia Zhu
“Almaden Neighborhood Church is a small church with a big heart full of God’s love!”
— Kimberly Delaney
“Almaden Neighborhood Church is a very special, and a wonderful place filled with warm, loving people from all walks of life. A place to come if you think you’re whole or broken and be received without judgment.”
— Mercedes Jordan