Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
At Almaden Neighborhood Church, we strive to love God, love others, and make disciples. One way we do that is by pouring into children. Our goal as a children’s ministry team is to assist parents in teaching the next generation about who God is. To share the love of Jesus Christ with each child in a way that ignites a desire within them for a personal relationship with Him. And to train them how to be a follower of Jesus through the study and application of God’s Word. We have many free programs in place to help with this goal. From Playdates to a Drama Team (3rd grade and up) to Kids Clubs at Graystone and Williams Elementary Schools to weekly Sunday School classes and a summer Vacation Bible School there is something for every age.
Each Sunday morning during our 10:00 am service we have our Kingdom Kids Sunday School classes for Nursery through 5th Graders
We currently have fantastic Kingdom Kids Sunday School classes that meet indoors during the worship service. Families begin all together in the worship service and then we dismiss children before the sermon for their class. During their class they sing, play, learn a Bible lesson and meet new friends.
Join Kids Club
Kids Club is one of the ways Almaden Neighborhood Church connects with and serves our neighboring community by offering weekly after-school programs at Williams Elementary Schools. Kids Club is an after-school program in elementary schools designed to teach positive life skills to children through games, music, and Bible discussions.
If you are interested in having your kids attend Kids Club at Williams this fall, please fill out the form below.