“God’s Best

God has wonderfully created you in His image to live a whole and full life. We were designed to be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. However, we all struggle against the temptation of our sinful nature, our sinful culture and the devil that pull us towards wanting to find a "better way" without God. We are constantly drawn towards a self-centered, self-absorbed life even though it actually takes us away from the best life that we have when Christ is at the center.

This Sunday, we'll be looking at 1 Corinthians 5 where the Apostle Paul gives stern warnings about actions and lifestyles that take us away from God and are ultimately damaging to ourselves and others. Join us as we engage with this passage together and learn what it means to allow "God's Best" in our lives. Please note that for the next two weeks we will be reading passages of scripture that address sex and sexual morality. If you have children with you in the service, be advised that it may spark some conversations about these topics. If you feel that your kids aren't ready for these conversations, you can choose to have your 5th or 6th grade students attend the children's program.

Sermon Slides


"You are Not Your Own"


"Downward Mobility"