“Make Disciples”

For the next few weeks, Pastor Jordan will be teaching through a new sermon series about what it means to be disciples who make disciples.  As a church we commit that our purpose and identity is to love God, love others and make disciples.  The first two are pretty self-explanatory but what does it really mean to make a disciple, in fact what is a disciple anyway? We often simplify it and say that a disciple is a follower, but it is really more than that.  A disciple is an apprentice.  Jesus is the master teacher and we not only follow him, but we learn from him and then we do what we see him doing.  For us to live our fullest lives and to fulfill our purpose on this earth, we must commit to apprentice under Jesus and to follow His lead.  Once we start to do that we will realize that Jesus is constantly reaching out to others to bring them to the Father and to train them as disciples.  This means that for us to be healthy disciples of Jesus we must also be helping others to become disciples and to grow. Join us live as we explore what it really means to make disciples.


“Worth Following”


“Be Salty”