"My Duty"

A common question that I hear Christians ask is, "What is God's will for my life?" Often, we say this to express a desire for God to tell us what we should do about a specific decision or situation. Sometimes, it can be frustrating if we feel like God is being silent or we can't discern exactly what He wants us to do. If you are ever unsure about what God desires for you, turn to Micah 6:8, "What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." God's will for you every day is for you to humbly walk with Him as you see to do the right thing and enjoy showing compassion and love to those around you. This Sunday, we'll be diving more into this passage during our worship service and how we can apply it to our daily lives.

Sermon Slides


"Why You have What You Have"


"Diaspora: Scattered to Gather"