“One Thing”

What's the most important thing in your life? What are you willing to sacrifice everything for? Everyone has their own priorities and values, but not everything can carry the weight that we put on it. Some will place all of their energy and hopes into their careers, reputation, family, financial security or pleasure. Those things are all good but they are not able to fulfill us and will actually crumble if we put the full pressure of our lives on them. Only one thing has the ability to fulfill us and that is life with Christ.

Jesus loves you more than you know and has a purpose for your life. He is worth pursuing and giving up everything for. And yet, in this life we will never fully grasp Him or experience His completely. The joy in this life is pursuing Him and growing in Him day by day. We'll be talking more about this during our worship service this Sunday as we dive into Philippians 3:1-14.

Sermon Slides


"The Non-Anxious Life"


“An Honest View”