“Partnership in the Gospel”

The greatest quarterback in the world will never win one game unless he has a receiver to catch the ball and defenders to protect him. In the same way, we will never be able to move forward in life and in faith unless we surround ourselves with others and rely on them. God created us to be in community with one another. He said, “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18) and yet many of us try to go alone in life. It’s hard to trust in other people when you don’t know if they are going to fail you or not. However, God leads us to places that we can only go with the help and relationship of others who will challenge us, pray for us and walk with us. This Sunday, we’ll start a new series through the book of Philippians beginning chapter 1 verses 1-11 and a message entitled “Partnership in the Gospel”.

Sermon Slides


“An Honest View”


“The 7th Hand”