“Questioning God”

If you could ask God anything, what would you ask Him? For many of us, our questions would be some form of “Why, God did you allow ______?” or “What was/is the purpose of ______?” Maybe your question would be something more along the lines of “How much longer will ______?” or “What are you going to do about ____?” For some of us, questioning God feels uncomfortable and maybe even wrong. However, there are entire chapters and even books of the Bible devoted to people expressing their questions and even their concerns to God.

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at one of those passages as we dive into Jeremiah 12 together and listen to the prophet Jeremiah question God about His justice and ask Him why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Join us as we have the freedom to bring our questions to God and the courage to actually listen to His response!

Sermon Slides


“Settle Down”


“The Living God”