"The Freedom of Forgiveness"

It has been said that holding onto resentment and un-forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Bitterness destroys us from the inside. However, Jesus leads us into a life a freedom where we are not only forgiven of our sins but we are also given the ability to forgive others. Often, we don't want to forgive because we don't want the other person to get away with the wrong and our sense of justice is unsatisfied. However, when we come to Christ we realize that He paid the penalty for all sin including the sin done against us. When we forgive, we aren't letting people off the hook, but we are accepting Christ's sacrificial payment for them as well as for us. It's not easy and this is why we need the Holy Spirit and one another to learn to forgive together!

Join us this Sunday as we worship together and look at Matthew 18:22-35 with a message entitled "The Freedom of Forgiveness."

Sermon Slides


"Diaspora: Scattered to Gather"


"Becoming You"