"You Can't Get There From Here"

This Sunday, we'll be continuing our series called "Failure, Forgiveness and Freedom". Last week, we talked about confession and the value of admitting our sins and our wrongs. It seems like the next logical step would be for us to focus on fixing our sins and righting our wrongs. However, that never seems to quite work. No matter how hard we try we cannot force ourselves to be the people that we want to be, nor can we make up for the damage that we do along the way. The only path forward is Christ. Jesus not only saves us from the punishment of our sins, He also transforms us and gives us His Holy Spirit so that we can live new lives of freedom. This happens when we surrender to Him and allow Him to do that work in us. Join in as we worship God together and look into the Scripture, particularly 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 and Romans 12:1-2.

Sermon Slides


"Becoming You"


"The Problem Behind the Problem"